Perl is a very popular scripting language that is employed to create various web-oriented apps, which includes CGI scripts. One of the options which differentiate it from various other programming languages is the use of modules - batches of Perl program code that do predefined tasks and they're widely accepted. In simple terms, as an alternative to creating tailor-made code to do something or pasting tens and hundreds of lines of program code in the script, you will be able to "call" a module which is already available for this particular process and use only a couple of lines of code. This way, your script shall be executed much more rapidly as it will be smaller. Using modules will, in addition make a script easier to change since you will need to go through a smaller amount of program code. If you would like to use Perl on your site, you should ensure that the needed modules are present on your server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Shared Web Hosting

When you get one of the shared web hosting service that we offer, you'll have access to a huge library of more than 3400 Perl modules that are already set up on our cloud server platform. Once you log in to your Hepsia Control Panel, you're able to go to the Server Information section where you can easily see the entire list. Some of them are more popular than others, yet we have such a large number as we are aware that if you use an application from a third-party site, it could have specific requirements as to what modules need to be present on the server or it may not work efficiently. XML::Parser, URI, LWP and DBD::mysql are on the list of modules that you will be able to access and employ on your sites.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our Linux semi-dedicated servers include a big selection of Perl modules that you could use with your scripts. That way, even if you want to use an app that you've found online from a different website, you can be sure that it shall be effective as regardless of the modules it may possibly need, we'll have them. Our library features more than 3400 modules like DBD::mysql, URI, LWP, XML::Parser and more - a lot of them are frequently used while others not as much. We keep such a significant number to be on the safe side and to make certain that any script will work on our web servers even if some module it requires is used extremely rarely. The whole list of modules you can use is available inside the Hepsia hosting CP offered with the semi-dedicated accounts.