PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Web Hosting
We’ve decided not to prevent our current and future clients from choosing what PHP version their websites will use, so if you order a shared web hosting plan from us, you will be able to pick between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the hosting account itself, but also for each domain hosted by you. This can be done with just one single click of the mouse from our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel via which all shared accounts are administered, which is the reason why you won’t need any coding or technical know-how. You’ll be able to manage websites built with both old and new scripts without any trouble, so if you wish to swap your current web hosting vendor and migrate over to us, you can be certain that all the sites that you have built over the years will continue to work correctly.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you have a website built on an older version of PHP and you’ve spent time and energy on developing it, repairing safety breaches and inserting content, you will need a web hosting service that can support it, since the vast majority of hosting vendors today support only the most recently published PHP version and give up the older versions. We, however, have decided to allow you to pick the version that your sites need. Our Linux semi-dedicated servers support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, which goes to say that you will be able to run both newer and older scripts without forfeiting any customizations or wasting time striving to make your sites compatible with the hosting environment. You can change the version through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and such an update will apply to the entire account, but you will also have the ability to pick a different version of PHP for each website hosted in your account using an .htaccess file.