UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source. This is a battery that is used to power a personal computer or a web server to prevent the loss of information in case the main power source fails for whatever reason or becomes unsafe. A diesel generator basically self-explanatory. UPSs and generators are widely-used as a backup in data centers to back up the power supply and to ensure the continuous functioning of all the web servers located there. Since the UPS works at all times, it offers the desired power for the web servers to remain working until the generator starts and takes over. Using this kind of a backup is a must for any data center or service provider that wants to keep their hardware and data intact in case of a power surge or outage, because it provides them with ample time to react until the problem is resolved and the primary power supply is restored.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Shared Web Hosting

If you host your websites inside a shared web hosting account with our company, you will be able to forget about problems caused by electrical power outages, due to the fact that, unlike many other providers, we don't keep many different servers attached to only one UPS. Instead, every server which is part of our avant-garde cloud platform features its own UPS device which can easily keep it working for many hours. Moreover, our data centers in the USA, in the UK and in Australia have multiple generators that boot up for minutes and that can easily power each of the web servers for an extensive stretch of time. In this way, the functionality of your sites or their loading speed will not be affected, so you are able to enjoy an uninterrupted high-quality hosting service all the time.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers

We offer semi-dedicated server accounts within our data center in the downtown area of Chicago and among the many factors behind our 99.9% uptime warranty is the excellent backup setup that the facility features. Your new account shall be created on our top-notch hosting platform and each of the web servers that are part of it has its own effective UPS unit which will ensure that it stays fully functional at max capacity until several diesel generators take over. The latter can easily keep the whole data center functioning for a long time period, without any limitations on the amount or the kind of devices which can work, so you'll not notice any difference in the functionality or the loading speed of any site which you host there. With our semi-dedicated servers, you'll have the ability to use a top-quality web hosting service without interruptions of any kind.